This is an archive of the MiscDoc mailing list. The MiscDoc list has been created as a temporary list to discuss the creating and design of a generic document control architecture for applications. This discussion is separate from the rest of the MiscKit discussion because of its potential to generate a lot of traffic which may not be wanted by all the MiscKit subscribers, and NeXTMail is allowed here, whereas NeXTMail should not be sent to the normal MiscKit list. We are building off of the classes created by Mike Ferris and included in the most recent MOKit. It is highly recommended that you obtain that code, even though earlier versions of that code appear in this archive. If you wish to be placed on or removed from the list, send mail to and it will be handled ASAP. Send mail to the list by mailing The list is not moderated, and NeXTMail is allowed, but should be avoided where ever it is not necessary.